Nico in the garden at Egerton House (Read More)
Michael and Nico in the garden at Egerton House, photographed by either Barrie (probably) or George (Read More)
Jack, Nico, Michael and Mary Hodgson at Dhivach in August 1907 (Read More)
Nico, Jack, Sylvia and Molly (the housemaid) at Dhivach Lodge in 1907 (Read More)
Sylvia, Jack, Nico - and Captain Robert Falcon Scott - aka Scott of the Antarctic - who had helped J (Read More)
Michael and Nico outside their tent at Dhivach, August 1907 (Read More)
Mary Hodgson carrying Nico off to bed at Dhivach (Read More)
Michael, Nico and Mary Hodgson at Dhivach, along with Barrie's instructions to the photographic prin (Read More)
Nico peering out of a skylight at Dhivach Lodge, August 1907 (Read More)
Nico being held aloft by Barrie's chauffeur, "the splendid Alphonse" at Dhivach. Peter wrote in the (Read More)